Chetan Hertzig

Chetan Hertzig's headshot

Chetan Hertzig is the head coach of Harrison High School in New York. He has coached a TOC champion, an NCFL national champion and two runner-ups (plus two NCFL semifinalists), an NSDA Nationals runner-up, a Greenhill tournament champion, Greenhill round robin champion, and two Greenhill top speakers (plus two runner-ups), three Glenbrooks champions and two runner-ups, four Harvard tournament champions and a Harvard round robin champion, three Bronx runner-ups and one top speaker, three Apple Valley tournament champions (plus three Apple Valley top speakers and a round robin champion), four Princeton champions, five Penn champions, and winners of numerous other tournaments. Almost every year that he has been coaching, he has had students qualify to the TOC; in the 2020-2021 season, his students earned a record 27 TOC bids, and in the 2023-2024 season, his students have earned 20 bids to date.

Hertzig teaches IB Theory of Knowledge and IB Psychology at Harrison, and holds an M.A. from Teachers College at Columbia University, a J.D. from Boston College Law School, and a B.A. from Brandeis University (cum laude, with Highest Honors in Sociology). A Triple Diamond coach in the National Speech and Debate Association, he is the recipient of Stanford University’s J.E. Wallace Sterling Award (2016), the Byram Hills Educator Award (2016), and the MinneApple’s Golden Apple Award for Outstanding Achievement in and Dedication to Debate (2019). He has been a summer debate institute instructor for the past 25 years, and is excited to return to direct NSD Philadelphia this summer!


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